Saturday, January 25, 2020

Modern Grammar Teaching: Reflection Notes

Modern Grammar Teaching: Reflection Notes During reading curriculum for this paper I have learned a lot about grammar and speaking as tools for communication, and my own expectations towards teaching. The theories I have looked at have their strengths and weaknesses, so I have dragged out the parts that I consider important from each one. I found out that there is not one best approach. However, it can bring us closer to understanding how Communicative Language Teaching works. The aim of this paper is to deepen my understanding of teaching and adapting this approach to use as foundation in my future teaching practice. My goal is that through examination of different views and theories I can adapt a suitable approach to teaching. This will help me to improve the quality in my future teaching practices. Working with the Curriculum was the most challenging in my teaching practice. Planning a lesson can get one to be creative and come up with different ideas. I have gained a lot of experience by observing and teaching. Although teaching practice was difficult at times, I tried to do my best. I and my tutors had frequently guidance. They were open to my ideas and this helped to progress in my teaching. I have learned that it is important not to imitate teaching styles and be critical, but choose the teaching style that suits me most. I am aware that as a teacher I meet many challenges both in the subject and didactics area. These situations have to be assessed one by one and there is no answer. What I believe is that if I focus on being a plain (clear?) grown-up and keep a kind of distance towards students and be inaccessible at the same time, I can become an inspiring teacher, at least I hope to become. It is necessary for a teacher that students learn from him/her. One of the objectives of the English as a school subject is that language is both a tool and a way of gaining knowledge and personal insight. Students have to be aware of language learning, communication and understand culture, society and literature. These objectives are the core of the English subject and I hope that I am the right person to be a mediator for this. Introduction There is an enormous demand for English teaching nowadays due to the expanding need for communication skills in English language. Millions of people aspire to good communication skills in English language. Teaching at school, exchange studies, travel, media, internet, newspapers are only a few of the many opportunities to acquire English. There is a huge need for quality language teaching and teaching materials/resources. Fluency and accuracy in English is indispensable not only for academics but also for employees. In order to succeed, one needs good language skills, therefore a successful teaching method is constantly required. To express himself/herself in writing and orally with some precision, fluency and coherence and use basic grammatical and text structures of English orally and in writing are two of the Competence Aims in the English Subject Curriculum ( These competence aims give a freedom in choice of teaching methods. The research questions of this paper are: Is Communicative Language Teaching an approach that improves English teaching? Do we need grammar in language teaching? In order to answer these questions I will first introduce the approach of Communicative Language Teaching. Also will I discuss the difference between fluency and accuracy, acquisition and learning, inductive and deductive grammar teaching. For this purpose I chose to discuss different views of several theorists on communicative teaching: RichardsRodgers, David Nunan, C.J. Brumfit, Stephen Krashen, David Newby and R. Ellis. Content Many Norwegian students experience a type of English learning that does not encourage them to see English as a communication tool. Unfortunately, the study of English language is focused mostly on passing exams. Because of this, learners assume there is a connection between good results and proficiency. This is true, to some extent, but strong focus on scores and grades can distort the goals of language learners. Students invest often a lot of time in study efforts, like drills that do not build their language competence. They focus more and more on getting good examination scores, instead of building proficiency. These students will come to see language learning as an exercise favouring accuracy. English seen as a communication tool makes the language study more captivating. Students who experience as early as possible English as communication, talk face-to-face with someone from a foreign country, read books published in English, watch movies, develop the ability to interact with a totally new world. Fluency vs. accuracy The process of Language Teaching has changed significantly in the last years. Earlier views of language (for example the Grammar Teaching Method) had grammatical competence in the centre. Language was seen as a set of norms and structures. The learner had a passive role, and grammar books included mostly drills, gapped sentences and sentences for transformation. (Newby,1998:184). Acoording to Brumfit`s theory (Brumfit,1980), learners need freedom to use the newly developed skills. Not allowing this would inhibit those abilities which are necessary for the most effective response to the predicted needs. Emphasis on fluency is new method in foreign language teaching. Brumfit (1980) shows that the use of fluency is the basis for a language curriculum, rather than accuracy. Accurate construction of the target language has always been a basis in traditional syllabuses. Brumfit is uncertain about its beneficial effects. Accuracy as basis in language teaching neglects adaptability and the a bility to improvise, and written forms will tend to dominate spoken forms. Are learners more responsive to fluency? Brumfit(1980) points at the naive learner who achieves more progress on an oral basis of fluent and inaccurate language than a careful and accurate language. A communicative language teaching begins with communication. Brumfit points at the importance of Communicational exercises that need to match the stages in learner progress. According to RichardsRodgers(2006), Communicative Language Teaching is an approach that aims to communicative competence in language teaching. This approach aspires to develop procedures for language teaching that supports the connection between language and communication. David Nunan (1988) in his Learner-Centred Curriculum studies the concept of language proficiency. The Communicative Approach originates from the theory of language as communication. Nunan mentions Chomskys distinction between competence and performance (Nunan, 1988:32). Comp etence refers to mastery of the principles governing language behaviour, that is the knowledge of grammar rules, and performance refers to the manifestation of these rules in actual language usage. Competence simply means knowledge of the language system( Hymes,1971:13) Hymes (1971)develops this theory further and comes to the conclusion that if a speaker were to produce grammatical sentences without regard to the situation in which they were being used, he would be considered deranged( Hymes,1971:14). Brumfit(1980) agrees with this and observes that beside knowledge of grammar one has to learn to use appropriately the language in living situations. Teachers cannot operate with a view of language simply as a descriptive system to be handed over to the learner; language is a means of interaction, self-definition, aesthetic creation and clarification (Brumfit,1980:116). In communicative language teaching errors are necessary for the learner in order to get a response on the learning s ituation. This way teaching strategies become more sensitive to the abilities and different individual needs (Brumfit,1980:115). Failures operate as a diagnosis for the teacher, and motivation for students. Language is used in a process of thinking, discovering, classifying and manipulating. This process does not take place through language alone, so it demands our active use (Brumfit,1980:120). The aim of language learners is contact, not assimilation. Fluency practice helps the learner to use his limited amount of language for as wide a range of purposes possible; only accurate speech will communicate effectively. The main goal, according to Krashen(1981), is aid in performance. For this reason language teachers should put learners into situations where they have to grope and paraphrase. According to Brumfit(1980), adjusting to other speakers, must be a central feature of communicative methodology. Acquisition vs. Learning Stephen Krashen (1981) calls Communicative Language Teaching an ideal approach. His Second Language Acquisition Theory contains 5 hypotheses. In the Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis, Krashen(1981) points to the existence of two separate processes that happen in language learning: acquisition and learning. According to Krashen (1981), language acquisition is more central than learning in second language performance( Krashen,1981:101). Language acquisition (intake) is a subconscious process similar to the way a child`s language learning. Caretaker speech is an efficient method to encourage language acquisition. (caretaker speech= all input that is understood). Intake hypothesis develops the idea that one can acquire competence in a SL without ever producing it; delaying speech when active listening is provided causes no delay. Krashen (1981) mentions a report on the American Indians who do not speak a language until they have learned it well (Krashen 1981:108). The result of this hypoth esis is the silent period the students are given to while acquiring a new language. Krashen(1981) doesn`t agree with theories that say that language is grammar, restrict vocabulary and focus on syntax. He means that in order to encourage syntax acquisition, one has to emphasize vocabulary: even knowing the words is enough to guess the content and syntax. One needs comprehension in order to acquire syntax (intuitions). Language learning (input), on the other hand, refers to the conscious learning of a second language, knowing the rules of thumb and the structure of the target language. Krashen(1981) says that there is no need to provide any conscious learning in acquisition, because grammar rules describe only fragments of natural language. He gives example of performers who know the rule, but still cannot use it after many years, and performers who have acquired large amount of language without learning it consciously. (p.114). Krashen(1981) concludes that grammar study by itself is meaningless; successful second language acquisition need both grammar and immersion. Acquisition may happen in intake-rich environments. Mechanical drill fail as optimal intake primary focus is on the form of the language. These might motivate students but is not enough (Krashen,1981). Communication is stimulated by more efficient exercises, such as meaningful, communicative drills. Foreign student peer group and helping foreign students get to know each other are also beneficial for intake. Communicative grammar. Inductive vs. deductive grammar teaching According to Newby(1998), many language classes in Europe focus mostly on teaching grammar, reduced to a form of mathematics and had little to do with the communication of ideas. Teachers use large portions of class time explaining rules, analyzing the grammar in sentences and drilling. Newby(1998) means that traditional grammar has to be analyzed again and replace some elements with a more communication -based theory of grammar. He believes that there is more than one view that provides all the answers. Newby(1981) discusses the difference between traditional, deductive grammar and modern, inductive grammar. While deductive grammar focuses on the presentation of language, on rules and testing of grammar, inductive grammar concentrates on the ability of choosing meaningful grammar in real contexts. Nevertheless, inductive grammar is not weak on grammar. Newby(1998) mentions that it includes additional categories which offer the learner ways to communicate through grammar in actual si tuations. In the early stages of learning the learner learns to feel grammar and sees how it works. Language theorist Ellis R.(2002) claims that acquisition begins with awareness. Testing at an early stage of language learning may inhibit learning, and learners end up confusing testing and teaching. Only after gaining confidence may the learner use activities in order to integrate knowledge into other areas of their competence. Grammar is the final stage of the process, when communication happens in a context. Ellis(2002), claims that grammar shouldn`t be directed at learners but at those who already have sufficient lexis. Teachers should focus on difficult grammatical structures. But are there any disadvantages using this modern teaching process? Newby answers this with his view that modern grammar requires rethinking grammatical categories and re-orienting towards meaning. Teaching grammar can have a beneficial effect (Ellis) as long as it is directed on those who have sufficient vocabulary knowledge. Newby (1998) concludes that one has to be open to, but also critical of, all methodological approaches. Conclusion This study has provided the opportunity to learn more about grammar in the light of Communicative Language Teaching. I have shown that theories have a wide specter, with some of the theories for, others against grammar teaching. My opinion is that both focusing on grammar accuracy and meaningful communication is equally important. It is teacher`s responsibility to choose the right task, considering the students` background. I do not affirm that Communicative Language Teaching is the best approach of teaching English. But understanding its methods can be used as a significant source of ideas. Literature list Brumfit, C.: Problems and principles in English teaching, 1980, Oxford : Pergamon Press Ellis, R. :Understanding Second Language Acquisition, 1991,Oxford: Oxford University Press (Compendium) Hymes, D.H.: On communicative competence, 1971, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press Krashen, S.D: Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning, 1981, Pergamon Press. (Compendium) Newby, David: Theory and practice communicative grammar, 1998, Ablex Publishing Corporation. (Compendium) Nunan, D.: The Learner-Centred Curriculum : a Study in Second Language Teaching, 1988, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Richards, Jack C. and Rodgers, Theodore S: Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, 2006, Cambridge University Press. 15.03.10 SPEAKING SKILL IN THE LIGHT OF COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING Introduction The Curriculum has 5 basic skills that are integrated in the competence objectives. In addition, the English subject has been structured into 3 main areas of competence aims: language learning, communication and culture, society and literature. These subject areas supplement each other and must be considered together. One of the five basic skills of the curriculum is being able to express oneself orally. This paper discusses the skill of being able to express oneself in writing and orally in the light of Communicative language teaching, by drawing in experience from my teaching practice in a Lower Secondary School (I decided not to go deeper into the theory of Communicative Language Teaching as I already did this in my previous paper). Finally, I will introduce strategies to improve speaking so as to make English teaching more effective. The main goal of this paper is to show the importance of using the target language in the classroom having a starting point in Communicative Language theories. Content Use of target language in the class Pupils should be given the opportunity to speak English as much as possible during English lessons. For most of pupils, the classroom is the only place during their school years where they will have the chance to speak English. One of the five basic skills of the curriculum is being able to express oneself orally. English Subject curriculum says that being able to express oneself in writing and orally in English is a key part of developing English linguistic competence and is a common thread throughout the competence objectives at all levels. These skills are important tools in working on understanding and using English in increasingly varied and demanding contexts across cultures and subject fields. Having oral skills means being able to both listen and speak ( In my teaching practice I noticed that an average Norwegian pupil speaks English too little or not at all during their three years in Lower Secondary. What is the reason that pupils speak as little as they do, though Curriculum stresses the importance of speaking? One of the reasons is that English teachers focus mostly on accuracy, memorizing dialogues and learning to perform them fluently. This approach is successful and teaches pupils vocabulary and grammar but gives little practice in expressing own ideas in English. Could this be the reason why whenever pupils try to say anything else that differs from the memorized sentence, they have to strive for a long time to put easy sentences together? Language theorist David Newby (1998) describes language as a means of communicating messages between human beings in actual contexts (Newby,1998:184 ). His view is that in real life language is used to exchange meaningful messages in actual contexts and this should be reflected in classroom ( Newby,1998: 185). Another theorist, Krashen (1981), claims that simple free conversation and mechanical drills are not efficient because communication is not stimulated. He considers meaningful, communicative drills and exercises as being highly effective. Unfortunately, drills are very common in language teaching, while genuine speaking is neglected. This might explain why some of the students` ability to speak is far behind their knowledge of grammar or vocabulary (Krashen,1981: 103). Experiencing communication in my teaching practice I started my teaching practice by 2 weeks of observation of an 8th grade class with 23 pupils. When I started observation, the 8th class was at the end of a project with my tutor. The aim of this project was to design a poster about a tourist attraction in London or about homeless people. They were allowed to use media sources (magazines, newspapers, Internet, books), encouraging authentic language in real context. Time frame was approximately 9 hours at school. Pupils worked with a partner, which encouraged relationships and gave opportunity to work together. The pupils were supposed to read and understand the plan presented in the learner`s book about designing a poster. The teacher went through the task reading loudly and explaining step by step, instead of giving the pupils the opportunity to find out for themselves. What I have noticed was that all instruction was made in Norwegian, not in the target language. I was surprised by this, because I do not see the reason having Engli sh at school if you do not practice it. If teachers do not have the courage to speak fluent English, they cannot expect that students will do it. Listening and speaking exposure is essential in order to communicate effectively. It is also important in writing activities, because all skills are necessary and skills are inter-related and build upon each other. Professor Diane Freeman(2000) points out to the significance of using the target language not only during communicative activities, but also for explaining the activities to the student or in assigning homework (Freeman,2000:132). The tutor explained to me that she used Norwegian in order to make things easier and as a teacher she has to adapt teaching to the students. I believe that low expectations discourage students. English was little used during class. Students mostly used target language when reading or giving answers to tasks from the learner`s book. My opinion is that it is OK to use native language for beginners, but I believe there are other ways to encourage pupils to speak English, for example by praising and by giving them time to express themselves. After I have started teaching I noticed that even the best students are nervous about using the target language. I believe that speaking is an individual process. One has to concentrate on many things at the same time: vocabulary knowledge, word choice, grammar, pronunciation etc. But producing spoken language is indispensable in learning a language. My opinion is that if once students experience a minimum of success in conversation, they will be motivated to learn to express their ideas in English with fluency. As I have mentioned in my previous paper, language theorist Stephen Krashen (1981) claims that fluency work is necessary to enable the performer to achieve acquisition while accuracy in language teaching neglects adaptability and the ability to improvise (Krashen,1981:128). Theorist Christopher Brumfit (1980) indicates that fluency practi ce helps the student to use his limited amount of language for as wide a range of purposes possible and teachers have to allow the students to learn from their own abilities. Strategies Another aim in the Curriculum is to express [] orally to obtain help in understanding and being understood and to understand various oral and written presentations on self-selected topics ( During my teaching practice I tried to use activities that focused on fluency. I concentrated on achieving of communication instead of focusing on errors. In this way I gave a chance also to those students who felt unsecure about their English level. I recommended students to use language that was not predictable and sought to link language use to context. I achieved these aims by using authentic materials in my teaching, such as real newspaper articles. The students` homework was assigned to require using accessible materials, like articles, television news, anything that could create discussion. The students enjoyed playing roles. Problems occurred when they had to carry out the role play. Many of the students read out loud what they have written instead of improvise. When it went o n too long, and performing took too much time, other students had to wait for each other. Even so, this activity both seemed to stimulate and motivate them. My impression is that balancing fluency activities with accuracy is the most difficult task in planning a lesson. Brumfit(1980) says that only accurate speech will communicate effectively, and we need accuracy as well as fluency in order to communicate properly. Communicative drills or exercises can be more efficient in producing language acquisition than mechanical drills, claims Krashen (1981) because these are activities in which students can really communicate or in which communication can be stimulated (Krashen,1981:104). In my teaching practice, I tried to combine meaningful practice with communicative practice as often I could. By meaningful practice I refer to activities where students have to make meaningful choices when they perform a practice. One of these kinds of tasks was the one where students had to imagine that they were staying at a hotel in London. The student was supposed to visit some of the attractions and they had to use a map in order to find the way there. They had to work in pairs and had to explain their partner how they have planned their day, by showing on the map how they are going to get there. The students were excited about working in pairs, something they do quite seldom. Their biggest challenge was working together and using the target language, my challenge was making myself understood. I had to explain the task many times, but even so, there were some students that had to get instructions in Norwegian. Nevertheless, they seemed motivated by learning something else besides grammar. But how can a student become a confident English speaker? According to language theorists RichardsRodgers(2006), teachers have to reconsider their role in teaching. Instead of being a model of correct speech, teachers should facilitate language learning and be more flexible when activities are unsuccessful. My opinion is that it is important to make a check-list on what is important in communicative practice, for example: use of creative, authentic questions and tasks that can be used outside the classroom, use games and guessing to make things interesting, use tasks after the students` age and interests and bond the topic of texts with personalized, background knowledge. All this encourages the students t o use English in the classroom. Most of lower-secondary students are used to watch movies or listen to songs in English. But still, even the best students need to be praised and encouraged to speak it. With a view to improving speaking abilities, giving opportunities to practice and having free conversational activities are very good ideas. To any level of students, using English for real communicative purpose is an ideal way to begin! Students can gather with the teacher in a cafà © and discuss issues in English to break away from the idea that English is only used in class or homework. Conclusion In this paper I have discussed the importance of speaking English in the classroom. My opinion is that speaking is the strongest tool for communication. Students need to experience language as communication as early as possible in their learning in order to master English. That is why I, as future teacher of the English language, am aware of the importance of giving students opportunity to speak the target language. Even though accuracy and fluency cannot be totally separated, it is more effective to have achievable goals rather than being perfect. Teacher-student interaction is the best example of authentic communication. And if the teacher knows his/her students well enough, it may provide a lot inspiration. Literature list Brumfit, C.: Problems and principles in English teaching, 1980, Oxford : Pergamon Press Larsen-Freeman, D.: Techniques and principles in language teaching, 2000: Oxford : Oxford University Press Krashen, S.D: Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning, 1981, Pergamon Press. (Compendium) Newby, David: Theory and practice communicative grammar, 1998, Ablex Publishing Corporation. (Compendium) Richards, Jack C. and Rodgers, Theodore S: Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, 2006, Cambridge University Press. 15.03.10

Friday, January 17, 2020

Understanding Your Fats and Fiber

When people discuss diet and health there are many stigmas, one of them being that all fats are bad. While fats can be harmful if taken in excess, there are many different types of fats that make up this category. The fats that make up category are: saturated fats, unsaturated fats, trans-fatty acids and hydrogenated fats. Each of these fats are different and all play a role in your diet, some give much needed nutrients, while others have low nutritional value. One of the essential things that is given from fats in your food are the essential fatty acids or EFA; these are essential and important to take in from your food because the body is incapable of producing EFAs (â€Å"Fat Facts: Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats†, 2013). Fat also carries other necessary vitamins to include: vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. According to Dr. Wahida Karmally, â€Å"Fat is also necessary for maintaining healthy skin, and it plays a central role in promoting proper eyesight and brain development in babies and children. However, fats can still pack on the bulge, at 9 calories per gram, of any type of fat, has more than twice the calories of carbohydrates and protein (â€Å"Fat Facts: Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats†, 2013). Diets that are high in saturated and Trans fatty acids are known to raise blood cholesterol and can produce artery clogging compounds. This blocks oxygen flow to the heart, as well as, to the brain. Both saturated and Trans fat are daily fats that you need to limit in your diet. Saturated fats can be found in meats, butter and ice cream; while Trans fats are found in things such as margarines and packaged foods. Trans fats are present in fatty meats and full-fat dairy foods (â€Å"Fat Facts: Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats†, 2013), most Trans fats are an end product of hydrogenation. Hydrogenation converts oil into a firmer, better tasting product and giving it a longer shelf life, in this process, some of the unsaturated fat in the oil becomes saturated (â€Å"Fat Facts: Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats†, 2013). Unsaturated or monounsaturated fats should be the dominate type of fat in a balanced diet (â€Å"Fat Facts: Good Fats Vs. Bad Fats†, 2013). Some of the foods that are high in monounsaturated fats can be: olive and canola oils, avocado, almonds and cashews. Simply put you should try to stay away from Trans fatty acids and saturated fats whenever possible. Though fats have a bad reputation they are not all bad and have some essential vitamins and nutrients that can only be retrieved from things such as meat and dairy. Unsaturated or monounsaturated fats are the most beneficial fats for you and are to be taken in place of the others when possible. By eating lean meats, different assorted nuts and things like avocado you can reduce the risk of clogged arteries and high blood cholesterol.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Symptoms And Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorder - 1989 Words

One of the first things that should be discussed when talking about Panic Disorder, is that it is one of six major types of anxiety. This is important to understand because people often find themselves confusing the six because many of them are very similar and have overlapping symptoms. General anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and social anxiety disorder are the six main types of anxiety that will be discussed in this paper, but panic disorder will be the main focus. I decided to do this paper mostly based on personal reasons. At a young age I was told by my physician that I was â€Å"probably suffering from some anxiety† multiple times growing up. It started with passing out at the doctor’s office even before the needle came out, and then progressed eventually into my school environment. When I was in 6th grade at a human growth and development lecture, I remember feeling odd as we talked about diseases etc. I blacked out and ended up going to the hospital because I hit my head so hard. After that, I was exempted from taking anymore human growth and development courses. This was pretty embarrassing as I remember being in middle school and my friends asking me why I didn’t have to participate etc. Thus I saw another doctor in my early teens who told me I was suffering from a from of panic anxiety. A panic disorder is defined as â€Å"an anxiety disorder marked by unpredictable, minutes-long episodesShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders1295 Words   |  6 PagesAnxiety Disorder Many people experience anxiety and nervousness from time to time, typically about a near event, something with an uncertain outcome, problem at work, or making an important decision. It is a normal human emotion and a normal part of life, however, anxiety disorders are not and they are very different. Anxiety disorders are psychiatric disorders which are very serious mental illness. People with anxiety disorders experience overwhelming and constant worry and fear. It often don’tRead MoreAnxiety Disorder : Symptoms And Symptoms1063 Words   |  5 PagesAnxiety is a feeling we can all relate too, some worse than others. Believe it or not, anxiety can be a normal feeling. The emotion you get before an exam, new job interview, or going on the first date, that is anxiety. There are differences in normal anxiety and pathological (abnormal) anxiety. Normal anxiety should last for a short amount of time and cause some discomfort. Now if the anxiety starts to become prolonged and caus es the person to become incapacitate, that is when it becomes pathologicalRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders1586 Words   |  7 PagesWorried? Nervous? The distinction between anxiety disorders and â€Å"normal† anxiety is not always certain. Everybody gets anxious or worried from time to time, when speaking in public or in front of the class to give a speech or from financial problems. Sometimes anxiety can be so overbearing that it can start to control your life. Here are twelve signs you might have an anxiety disorder: Excessive worry, sleeping problems, irrational fears, muscle tension, chronic indigestion, stage fright, self-consciousnessRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders1262 Words   |  6 Pagessociety anxiety plays a huge role in our daily lives. Imagine being in front of a crowd of people feeling nervous, anxious, and even avoiding eye contact? Many people experience these symptoms of anxiety. There are many different types of anxi ety disorders. Catching early signs of complications can lead to better treatment and acknowledgment. Gaining knowledge about anxiety and some of the different types of Anxiety Disorders, like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder can beRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of An Anxiety Disorder Essay1593 Words   |  7 Pageslikely experienced anxiety. You know, that feeling you get in a nerve-wracking situation; such as speaking in front of an audience or having a stressful job. This is a normal feeling for many but when you are at the constant state of anxiety or have the feeling recur or prolong for an excessive amount of time, this is when a problem is present. An excessive feeling of worry and panic is a good sign of an anxiety disorder. An anxiety disorder can be so crippling that physical symptoms may occur. ThereRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorder1264 Words   |  6 Pagesfeelings and the feelings don’t pass, then it’s time to talk to a doctor about possibly having a type of anxiety disorder. There are seven types of anxiety disorder and they include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, separation anxiety, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, and post-traumatic stress disorder (Foa, Edna Andrews, Linda Wasmer, 2006). Generalized anxiety disorder occurs when a person has an excessive or obsessive feeling of being worried and the feeling just won’tRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders Essay1352 Words   |  6 Pages10 Sept 2016 Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S.? Affecting more than 40 million adults nationwide. Here is my next question. What exactly is a anxiety disorder? Anxiety is a mental illness that creates constant fear and worry which can be overwhelming or debilitating. There is a difference between normal, everyday anxiety and an actual anxiety disorder. Normal anxiety is caused by stress, usually this kind of anxiety can be helpful by motivating youRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders1665 Words   |  7 PagesAnxiety Disorders With having so many natural explanations for the potential development of a mood disorder, do anxiety disorders also have natural components? The study conducted by Balik, et al. (2014) didn’t only contain findings of PMS and mood disorders; they also found evidence relating PMS to anxiety disorders. They reported that â€Å"more than half of women with PMS have a history of anxiety† (p 373). Does this mean that PMS is indicative of an anxiety disorder or is it the other way aroundRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders1193 Words   |  5 PagesAnxiety Disorder â€Å"Anxiety refers to the brain response to danger, stimuli that an organism will actively attempt to avoid† (Beesdo, Knappe, Pine, 2009, p. 1). Both children and adolescence are at risk of anxiety disorders; it is known that it is the most frequent disorder of these age groups. The classification can be found in a DSM or ICD (Beesdo, Knappe, Pine, 2009). In children, the separation from normal anxiety to pathological anxiety is difficult to assess. Some examples of normal anxietyRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders2055 Words   |  9 PagesAnxiety is something that everyone has experienced at least once in their lifetime. For example, people feel anxious when they’re waiting for something, or when they’re worried for someone, but there is a big difference between having â€Å"anxiety† and suffering from an anxiety disorder. Nowadays people tend to consider anxiety a normal condition that everyone is eventually going to experience during their life. However, it’s important to understand that anxiety is a serious mental disorder and needs